Batch controller with receipt printer driver and numerical keypad
Namur, Coil / sine wave (HI: 20mVpp or LO: 80mVpp, sensitivity selectable), NPN/PNP, open collector, reed-switch, active pulse signals 8 - 12 and 24V DC.
Frequency: Minimum 0Hz max 5 kHz for total and flowrate.
k-factor 0,000010 - 9,999,999 with variable deciamal point
Low-pass filter: Available for all pulse signals.Low Level: 0V DC min. to 3V DC max.High Level: 8V DC min. to 24V DC max.Load impedance: 4.7kOhm pull-up to +12V DC.Current: 2.5mA steady state.
* Required field.